Sunday, June 28, 2009

Second first blog

There are not many things in life that you get a second chance at, but apparently blogging isn't one of them. Those of you that saw my first feeble attempt at blogging will notice that the first attempt went to blog heaven (or ???) and has been replaced with my second feeble attempt. This one should be much better as my world class blogging daughter, Shawna, is home for the summer to help. She may tell you she's mostly here to watch Aubrey and CJ, but that's just a cover, as she's here to:
1) Have breakfasts on Saturday mornings with dad.
2) Help grandma and grandpa with their blogs.

So I'll restate what I said in the FFA blog (first feeble attempt) by saying that this blog will be mostly about the the exciting lives of grandma and grandpa as they travel, explore, cruise, and eat their way through life.
We won't write so much about the kids and grand kids because that's their job, and although grandpa (now GP) takes lot's of pictures, I'll let the people in those pictures tell their own stories.
That said, we may not write often, but usually after special things that happen in our lives. We have lot's of little fun things planned, so check back often!

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